Sunday, August 1, 2010

You know I'm Mellowing When...

...I come upon a chewed-up, spit-out piece of gum on the landing just outside my bedroom door --and I feel GRATEFUL --grateful that it hasn't yet been stepped on so that it's mushed into the carpet. I grab it and toss it into the garbage (My newly purchased package of trident gum was empty in my purse --so I knew the gum was bound to turn up somewhere).

...I find an entire roll of toilet paper --unraveled on the bathroom floor--and I feel really FORTUNATE--fortunate that it wasn't emptied into the toilet. (I don't bother to ask who did it, I just pick it up and put it on the back of the potty for future use.)

...My 8 year old tells me that he ordered the Deseret News (he seems a little surprised and guilty when he carries it in off the driveway to explain)--I just pay the bill when it comes (it's less trouble than calling and getting them to cancel (we've tried that before).

...My Millie takes every toy she owns (practically) from house to house or out on the lawn in grocery bags---and I feel RELIEVED--relieved that I don't feel a compelling need to organize and sort them into cute containers anymore.

...My 14 year old receives a calling from the Stake Presidency to serve as a youth advisor in the area Special Needs Mutual--and I feel JOYFUL--joyful that he can be trusted, joyful that he's excited and humbled by it, joyful that I have the chance to be a mom (even though it will add another layer of scheduling and driving to my weeks).

So maybe I'm not consistently easy-going and flexible, but I'm coming along and mellowing --line upon line --right?