Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Revisited

I just read my sister-in-law's post on her Mother's Day experience. Ahh Jayne.

She was grateful for her garden seeds.

Does this mean I should be elated to have received 5 pairs (yes 5 (you know Costco)) of gardening gloves. How about 9 water bottles? (They are color-coded after all --'course no one wants to chose their assigned color...). And last, but certainly no least -- a new mop/broom.

Can't wait to get to work today! It's just what I need after a nice relaxing Sunday.....

p.s. Anybody know the best way (least revolting) to launder large comforters that have been the recipients of Saturday's half-digested dinner?


Linda Peterman said...

I suggest a laundromat so your machine doesn't get all stinky. Sounds like business as usual at the Hall House. :=)

Susie Faye said...

ditto, LAUNDROMAT!!!

Jayne said...

One, I was grateful for my plants (not the gloves--indicating the necessity of ME--heaven forbid--working on the garden) because we've never really had much of a garden before, unlike your garden to fill Albertson's produce section. Plus, unlike Star, who is the most focused gardener since Johnny Appleseed, Jed could be torn away at the mention of anything fun before one tomato was picked. SO, no comparisons there.
Also, I am feeling so bad because it has obviously been long enough since I talked to you that Abbie? is in a wheelchair? Please forgive me!