I woke at 1am to have a sleepy conversation with my troubled bishop. I woke again at 5:40am for some exercise --NOTHING gets in the way of my exercise --you know me. I then woke up the oldest 3 children for scripture study (day 3 of our new program), and had a good discussion. Then I got Sam's medicine ready, filled a cup with water and...swallowed it myself! The group made it out the door in time for carpool. 7:30am. What a wonderful day this was bound to be. I love my little ones, and I love to "behold" them, but there is something that excites me about making progress on the house, or the laundry, or my photo albums (what photo albums? --someday) or....
Millie had big plans of her own. It was her first day of afternoon Kindergarten. She has waited so long. She requested my help her with her bed and room, her hair, and her new uniform. all before 9am. With that out of the way she was ready to set up the Barbies . I told her that I had to get the peaches from our tree peeled and in the dehydrator really fast, and then we could play.
I just need to check my email first. I didn't want to miss another VT appt. Oh good. She hadn't written. In an effort to appear an active part of my Visiting Teaching companionship, I sent an email "Do we have appts. for this month?"
My having forgotten the last two appts. is really not my fault. I suffer from a serious cerebral condition: Post-Half Dozen-Posterity-Amnesia. She quickly called back, "Stefanie, did you get my message last night? How is the best way to reach you? We have an appt. for 10:30am this morning if you can make it" I assured her that I could, then went to head upstairs to get ready.
As I was passing through the kitchen area however, I noticed the bench I had pulled out in order to vacuum under the table. What if I just moved it over here? That might be nice. Hmm-- if I moved that here, then I'd have to move that there. Yes -- it'd be very nice to have a little change... Oh! I know. I should grab the measuring tape. Now where I had I seen that last? Sam had measured his rock collection with it recently. I'm pretty sure we have several of them...
I'll check the den. Ope --there are those bills I was going to call on today. Why is the computer on in here? Oh yes --Abbie wanted me to look over her choices for electives for the year. Animal Science? What? How about Math Lab and Study Hall. Knitting? Should I keep that on there? Now Stef, she is trusting you...
"Mama," Millie called from the next room. "Yes" I guiltily replied. "Is it time for me to go to Kindergarten yet?" "Not yet, sweetie." "Mo-om...you said you were going to do peaches." Oh yeah. I hustled in to fill the sink get out the fruit fresh. "I'm hungry," said Millie. Oh she looks so cute --we should Skype Grandma and Papa in Africa. I go in to call and invite to come and show off. Grandma says all the right things, of course and we begin chatting. I am surprised when I see myself on the computer screen -- I thought I'd gotten ready this morning ( Ope-- I had done half of my hair, and washed my face before Millie had derailed me by wanting me to fix her hair in curls). There was that crazy noise from Skype again --I looked at the top of the screen to see if there were sound adjustment doo-dads I could fiddle with --What? 10:14am already? And Sister McMillan always comes early to pick me up.
I heard her horn, and raced in to get Schuyler --oh no --I hadn't remembered that I'd left him in his jammies for his morning nap. Oh well. As I climbed in the car I hoped he wouldn't be hungry or messy --I'd forgotten to grab the baby bag. We had a good visit and a bit of an impromptu lesson from me on seeking education and being a lifelong learner.
I came in to get Millie some highly nutritious-first-day-of-school-lunch. "What would you like for a special lunch today, Mills?" She rattled off about 5 items. I looked at the time. "How about one of my special Zone Protein bars today? Wouldn't that be fun? I'll just grab you a water bottle and you can eat it in the car --won't that be fun?" Millie lit up, "Yeah Mom!"
"Let's get in the car now. Oh wait, go out by the tree so we can get your 1st day of school picture." Where had I seen that camera last? "Can you smile like you feel peaceful Mills? Okay, you look super. Do you have your really yummy lunch? "
I drove up to the school. All the parents were waving goodbye as their new Kindergartners went through the doors. Millie hopped out and joined them. I parked and came in to help her with her back pack. She 's suddenly looking a bit unsure of things...
I pulled back in the garage and closed the door. I'll just get Max down for a rest, and then I'll have 3 full hours. Wow? What projects will I tackle, I wonder. Max smiles back at me from his car seat --what is that all over his hands, face, and jammies? Okay -- I'll give him a quick bath and then fold some laundry while he plays. One small pile folded...What is that noise? Oh man --he drained the tub! I dried him off and started folding again. I can feel my heart pumping --Ahh it feels so good to be accomplishing something.
Max-O came crawling up to me with... What in the World IS that? --all over his hands and feet. I picked him up gingerly, from the armpits, and sat him at the back of the tub. I ran the water and went to clean up the carpet and surrounding area. Alright. I am not going to let this get me -- I still have more than an hour. I'll just grab his bottle in the kid's bathroom ... why is the tub water running in here? Looks like Max just soaked the rug I'd preserved from last night's flood. I'll just throw that in the washer. I finally laid him down for a nap. My stomach is growling. I must have forgotten lunch. I'll just grab a quick Zone bar and water (like mother like daughter)...where is my purse, I put it in there. Why is this bench pulled out in the middle of the floor? Oh yeah -- I was going to vacuum the rug. It's kind of nice to have it pulled away from the table, I should see if it would fit against this wall. I just need to measure it. There's my purse. Right by the computer. Hey, and there's the measuring tape. I'll just write down these numbers quickly on this post-it note...I should try to record this on my blog, it's been so long since I've written...
What? 3:00pm already? Millie will be watching for me, I'll just grab the baby (who is still happily banging and chattering in his crib. On my way through the kitchen area I noticed the fruit flies gathering around the peaches still sitting there. The bench and chairs are still separated from their table, the dishes still in the sink.
After reviewing my day, Dr. Wells might diagnose a problem with my attention abilities. Perhaps. But give me a few more school days and I just surprise everyone. Just a few more days.
"You found me. And I was so quiet too."
So busy. So happy --hard at work in the computer cubby.
I like your blogs, but some of them are rather lengthy. Didn't you learn the importance of being concise in the writing courses you took at Waterford?
This post does offer an intimate view of your day however. It's almost like viewing it in "real time."
Dear Stefanie,
I did learn some valuable lessons on being succinct. I have chosen not to apply them to this post.
"Handle it," as I used to say.
Steffie, I should not read these things in the office. I have been laughing out loud and people are peeking in to see what is up. (Dad is with a missionary and no one is in here with me.) I love your scattered honesty. How many of us moms flit from one important (?) thing to another every day and then look around and wonder what did I accomplish all day long? You are so great. I love you. MOM
This is great. I think it's so funny when people ask me what I'm going to do with all my time when the kids go back to school!
And I think... I'll probably just do six things at once instead of eight?
you make me jealous that school has started down there--we are so ready to have a little sibling space here! and yes, i'm checking blogs while the kids are fighting over lunch...
very true. very funny. hope millie's enjoying school!
(you would think that taking sam's medicine might have helped :-)
mom,I like you,I don't know what i'd do with out you. your the best ,even if you do forget what your saying in the middle of our conversation and completly change the subject.don't worry though,I think were both losing our marbles together,me with my allergies and you with your old age of 35,35! I hope we don't have exactly the same genes!
love abs
You have just validated my life.
Boy do I relate. Recently I've noticed that my worst scattered moments are not when I have a nice window, but when there is none at all. I try to squeeze it all in before some terribly important appointment and come away thinking, as Rabbit on Winnie the Pooh, "Why oh why, oh why?"
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