Abbie is not pleased to have completed her 5th grade play.
Queen Titania and the little changeling boy (the doll Millie has named "baby Jesus")
She is in her element while performing. She wishes the practices (held during school sometimes even during math) could have gone on forever. Her recent portrayal of Titania (the Fairy Queen) in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was lovely. She had good diction and elocution. She showed leadership over the wandering fairies, and had a believable affinity for the foam-constructed-donkey-headed boy.
"Me thought I was enamored of an...."
I'm afraid the magic of the theater is in this girl of mine. She has been mourning since the show ended. When I was in 5th grade, we also performed this Shakespearean play, and I was fair Helena. Abbie and I had a good time memorizing her lines together.
I had been asked to help backstage --manage props, help get the fairies on when it was their turn...but those girls had their scene changes and everyone else's down cold. It was quickly apparent that the last thing they needed was yet another female manager. So I came back out and sat with my ever drooling friend, SkyMax. We enjoyed the show, as did Sam. He surprised me and our neighbors by his loud and intermittent guffaws.
Always a good problem solver, Abbie brought a pillow to lay on while awaiting her next cue. What's more important than comfort?
Thanks to Grandma, Susie, Gracee, Dad, Sam, Millie, Max, and Zach for their support.
With Miss Cottrell (Abbie's 1st grade teacher)--come all the way from Aspen Elementary.
Ahh --Viva la Theater'!