I saw one day, a curly blond toddler with bright eyes. She stood behind me and looked at the newborn I cradled in my arms. It was a day dream, a prompting, --a flooding relief. Somehow the tiny body I'd carried with me to Loa and back was perfect enough, despite it's incapacity to live and breathe outside me. Her death hadn't been my fault.
And I was not through mothering.
July 2004
Milllie was born almost 2 years later. She has been a pleasant bundle of blessings: happy, healthy, content to draw and pretend, a busy composer of catchy songs. This year she turned 5.
A sleepy but excited Millie ready for her German pancake birthday breakfast!
A new birthday shirt
Ahh -- a whole package of Kelly dolls
At the Cherie Call concert in the park that evening. Pretty magical.
It's strange how a birth date can mark the time so dramatically for me. I have known, of course, that she'd be heading to kindergarten this fall etc., but now that her fifth birthday has passed -- she seems to be leaving "toddler-hood" altogether.
Sunrise, Sunset...
I always need a tissue to read your blog. You're right about Millie. She has always been a delight and not just to your family, but to everyone who encounters her precocious spirit and sprinkled cheeks. We sure love her.
I was brought to tears when I began reading this. Now I have tears and smiles, just thinking about the delight Millie is to everyone. Thanks for writing this.
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