For example, today, when I dropped off Millie for preschool, she forgot to close the door of the car. I rolled down the window and called loudly to her to return and shut it. She was already busy socializing. I called again even louder, "Milllllie." She looked over, startled. "Come and close this door please." She gave me a big grin. She jumped from her teacher's porch and started running before she really finished that awesome leap. Her long handled butterfly book bag had reached the grass just after her feet had, but was unfortunately in their path as she began her spirited sprint. Her entire body hit the grass and her head looked as though it was being suctioned to the ground. She was honestly surprised and said to herself, "that hurted." She got to her feet again, rubbing her ear and hair and looking as though she was deciding if she should cry. As she approached the car, I ducked so that she couldn't see me laughing (she's a little sensitive about people laughing at her these days). She got close enough to hear me. I tried to gain composure, "Oh man, Millie. Are you alright?"
She's still rubbing her ear. My mind is still doing the instant replay of her fall. She does not reply. She only looks at me with some disdain (as though we've had trouble with this sort of thing before and I am hopeless). She pushes against the car door with all her might, and barely keeps her balance. I start laughing all over again. She turns and heads for her teacher who is now on her porch welcoming Millie's classmates. I roll up the windows, but not before Miss Cathie has looked over to see why I am laughing, and Millie has sought comfort in a hug from her.
I drive off, my mind doing slow-motion replays now, I seem to be gaining momentum because I cannot stop and my eyes are watering. I pull over for a minute, attempting to be serious and feel some guilt over my lack of empathy for my own flesh and blood. (Why didn't I just get out and close the silly door myself?) But the remorse doesn't last.
Doing a trick for FHE talent show (Nov.) in a dress-up
I can't help myself. I try, I really do.
Well, Stef, I had to control my own laughing just to post this comment! You are too much! MOM
Ok.. You killed me on this one! I am still laughing! I wish I had developed self control at some point in my life... but alas it was to no avail. I am still laughing and not because of poor Millie..but because of my poor children and grandchildren. I try I really do! Hugs! Terry
there's nothing wrong in appreciating a good fall.
oh ya sure jed you were not the one laughed at when you tripped over your neighbors christmas lights !
You ARE Jed's sister!
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