"Nah--I don't care for protein drinks, Mom."
Several people --administrators, faculty, staff, even students of BYU have, over the years, signed on for the rigorous training offered in the "Y Be Fit" program. It is harbored in the dungeons of the Richards Building. I've personally known a few who've been willing --thinking it will change the course of their lives for good. And to be frank --I have not yet come across one, who when told they'd need to have each "roll" pinched and measured, be weighed under water, and then commit to follow the exercise regimen (kindly printed and lovingly bound for them on xeroxed papers)--wondered "WHY be fit?"
See how he's dressed and ready to go? His jacket says "Athlete."
My youngest son seems to share these sentiments despite having never been weighed and humiliated in front a bunch of college co-eds. He would rather lean back against his Momma than sit up on his own. He'd prefer just to rest and smile cheek-to-cheek, than stand straight up on his chubby legs. But with another big milestone age just around the corner, his Momma has started doing sit-up exercises with him, adjusting the level on the "excer-saucer" and has even borrowed a "Johnny Jumper."
Everyone is doing their part to encourage action in the saucer.
He can sit up on his own for quite a while now, but when he notices Mom is behind him, he just flops back into her lap and smiles. Then he straightens his back and refuses, still smiling, to resume the sitting position.
Where do these kids get this obstinate streak? Surely not from their Mother!
"WHY are we doing this again?" Nah --I don't think so."
he is handsome in his obstinacy.
What a little cutie. I guess he has a few of my traits, too. My brain knows it's important to be fit, but my body always demands an explanation and tries to talk me out of it.
That's a perfect combination for cuddling: floppy, squishy, and smiley. Doesn't get better than that. If Jayne's not pinching yet it's just cause her pinchers are tired from all the softness at her house (and I don't mean my super fit brother, Jed).
Did someone say pinching?
Yes, Jed has left me little left to pinch, but with kids consistently turning out to be 90% in weight, I find I'm quite busy keeping up with their rolls. Who came up with such a term?
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