Sunday, June 21, 2009

Where am I?

I'm beginning to wonder... am I "sleepless in Seatle" or "listless in Lindon"?

We have had rain almost every day for three weeks. It doesn't yet feel like summer.

I do love the lush green on the mountains, and the lawns that populate the county, but it has been a rather chilly set of weeks for our swimming students. Sam and Millie have been lucky enough to attend lessons at the new "aqua-totic" center of Lindon. Their time slot was from 8-8:30am, and it seemed to be an unpopular session; Millie was the only one in her class, and so received private lessons. Sam had 3 other children in his group.

They were such happy little fish and have passed to the next level with flying colors!


Anita Wells said...

i think we're "soggy in sandy" here. so grateful for the moisture :-)

morinsqueen said...

I guess that makes me "Dusty in the Desert" because here it's all sun and heat. Sure do love and miss you.