Friday, January 23, 2009

Recycling Options

Last week as I set about clearing out --in a massive strike against clutter, I was ready to dispose of almost anything. I was impatient with the process, and wanted visible success. While my head stayed in the pantry, my hands discarding pots, pans, broken tripods into a small mountain --my DI and garbage pile began to decrease, rather than increase. Why? Because my children can create magic in their minds with what I have labeled as junk. After I came up for break in the playroom in order to feed the baby a bottle (no, he still has no interest in holding it on his own) I caught a glimpse of their wonderful world.

Furryville and Littlest Pet Shop metropolis --set up for Millie by Abbie

Why bother with the playhouse from Santa when a luxury home nestled in egg cartons is so much more accessible?

The camera man and his "wife" on their way to the Jungle. They are hoping to capture a photo of "Big Foot." (Can you guess what Sam has been reading about lately?)

This remarkable photographer has set his sights on the Himalayas for his next adventure. He knows the Yeti (or Abominable Snowman) has been seen in that vicinity.
Later he and his assistant appeared clad in plaid shortly before their scheduled outing to Scotland. Watch out Nessy!

I vaguely remember living in Imagination-Land. It really was a wonderful place.


morinsqueen said...

As usual, this was very cute and I loved it!

Terry said...

The egg cartons are my favorite! So many memories I have of kids and junk! Hugs!